HubSpot Setup Guide

1. Log into

2. Navigate to Connectors>CRM

3. Locate the HubSpot card

4. Toggle ON the HubSpot connection [ pop-up opens up]

5. Click on Sign in to your HubSpot account button

6. Select your HubSpot account and Click Choose Account

7. Review the requested scopes and Click Connect app

8. You will be redirected to the "Connectors" page. See the next section on how to import contact lists into

Use: imports Lists [Contacts] from HubSpot to create AI content for each contact, which can be used in the HubSpot sequencing. performs research on the Accounts and the Contacts imported into OneShot and generates Hyper personalized content that can be used for outbound messages like Email, LinkedIn Connection, Call Script, Research ..etc.

In your  account > Campaigns > Click on + New Campaigns:

1. Click on the HubSpot Card and the page will automatically navigate to the “Import Contacts from the HubSpot” page.

2. On the left side of the page, select the preferred list that holds the Contacts from HubSpot. Once the List is selected, all the contacts in the selected list would be displayed in the Accounts & Contacts table.

3. When ready, Click on the “Next > Add All Contacts” button.

4. Select the AI prompts from drop-down, that are required to be generated for the contacts imported into this campaign.

5. Configure : Map the HubSpot fields that need to be imported into Map the Contact properties with the relative fields. In the field section, users can type the desired field name and create a custom field to map the required HubSpot field.

6. After the required fields are mapped, click on “Proceed”.

7. Click on Continue, on the Company Description pop-up.

8. Please wait to be shown as the contacts are being imported into the from HubSpot. Once this process is completed, the page is redirected automatically to the Accounts & Contacts tab.

9. All the contact details that are imported from HubSpot to are shown in the table, users can add more columns to this view and save the views if required. One the notification center, the current progress of the AI content generation can be monitored. Click on the bell icon to open the notification center.

10. Select all contacts and export to HubSpot.

11. Map the fields to which the AI generated content needs to be exported to into HubSpot from

12. Click on Export and once the export job is completed, a notification would be shown in The current progress of the export job can be monitored in the notification center.

13. All the content exported to HubSpot would be exported at the Contact properties. It is easier if these properties are present in the sequences in Hubspot, so there won't be any extra steps for the user. The content generated would be placed into the sequence step automatically.


Users can disconnect the HubSpot connection in the connectors tab, by toggling OFF the HubSpot connection.

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