Best Cold Call Scripts for Software Sales

Cold calling in software sales comes with its own set of hurdles. This blog explores the difficulties, like finding accurate contact info and dealing with high rejection rates. It highlights why scripted template pitches no longer work and the importance of personalized scripts. Learn why customized approaches are crucial and get tips for making your calls more effective. Discover how can streamline the process and improve your cold calling success.

Ezzedine Cherif

Cold calling can feel like climbing a mountain with flip-flops.

It's tough, often met with rejection, and sometimes it feels like you're just not getting anywhere.

For Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) in software sales, a well-crafted cold call sales script, is a daily necessity. Connection rates are low, and the odds of speaking to a decision-maker are slim.

On average, you might only get through to 6 or 7 people out of 100 calls.

Even with advanced diallers, having more than a few minutes of meaningful conversations in an hour can be a stretch.

So why do we keep at it?

Because cold calling is still one of the most direct ways to make outbound sales, reach new prospects and open doors that might otherwise remain closed.

In this blog, we'll explore the main challenges of cold calling in the software sales industry and share effective cold calling tips and cold call scripts, to help you overcome these hurdles.

We'll break down common obstacles and provide practical tips to make your cold calls more productive.

Whether you're new to cold calling or a seasoned pro looking for a refresh, you'll find actionable advice to help you make the most of every call.

Key Takeaways

  • Cold calling is tough due to hard-to-find contact information and many calls going unanswered.
  • It allows for direct, immediate interaction with prospects, addressing their needs right away.
  • Building relationships through cold calls (i.e. with sales reps) can lead to future opportunities, even without an immediate sale.
  • Tools like automate research, providing insights for more meaningful conversations and higher conversion rates.
  • Personalised pitches that address specific pain points are more effective than generic cold call scripts.
  • Building relationships through cold calls can lead to future opportunities, even without an immediate sale.

What is Cold Calling in Software Sales?

Cold calling in software sales is like knocking on a stranger’s door and hoping they’ll invite you in.

It’s when SDRs reach out to potential buyers who haven’t shown interest yet, aiming to spark their curiosity about your software.

This sales process involves contacting leads to discover their needs and how your software can help.

It’s tough—many calls go unanswered, and rejection rates are high.

But it’s also one of the most direct ways to make new connections.

Despite the challenges, cold calling remains a vital part of the sales process in software sales.

It’s your chance to directly engage with prospects, understand their pain points, and offer tailored solutions.

With the right approach and a solid cold call sales script, you can turn cold leads into warm opportunities.

What's the Point of Cold Calling?

Cold calling in software sales can feel like jumping into an adventure. It's your ticket to direct conversations with potential customers.

It’s like having a chat where you can introduce your product, answer questions, and address pain points right away.

This kind of immediate interaction is golden.

It’s also about building connections.

Even if you don’t get a sale immediately, you’re setting the stage for a sales funnel and future opportunities.

Think of it as laying the groundwork for long-term relationships.

Plus, cold calls are a goldmine for learning.

Talking to prospects gives you insights into their challenges and needs, helping you improve your approach and offerings.

Each cold call is a chance to find new leads.

Even when you face rejection, you're narrowing your target market down to those who might be interested later.

It’s all about playing the numbers and staying persistent.

Ultimately, cold calling hones your skills.

Every conversation is practice, helping you refine your pitch and handle objections better.

Over time, you become more confident and effective.

So, while cold calling might seem tough, it’s a valuable tool for connecting with prospects, learning about their needs, and growing your business.

Why is Cold Calling So Difficult?

Cold calling in the world of software sales presents a unique set of challenges.

The journey often feels like navigating a maze with numerous obstacles.

Here are the key reasons why it’s such a challenge:

The Data Dilemma

One of the biggest challenges in cold calling is getting accurate contact information.

In software sales, having the right phone numbers is crucial, but it’s increasingly difficult to get valid mobile numbers.

Since the shift to remote work, fewer people are answering their office phones.

This means SDRs need reliable mobile data to reach prospects, but this information can be hard to come by and often outdated.

Without accurate data, you end up with a lot of wasted time dialing wrong numbers or leaving voicemails that never get heard.

This makes the already tough task of cold calling even more challenging and can significantly reduce your chances of connecting with potential customers.

Ignored Calls

Another major hurdle is that prospects often don’t answer calls from numbers they don’t recognise.

With spam calls on the rise, many people let unknown numbers go straight to voicemail.

This means that even if you have the right contact information, your cold calls might still be ignored.

It’s frustrating to spend time dialling only to hear silence on the other end.

To combat this, some SDRs try calling multiple times or at different times of the day, but this can still be hit or miss.

The key is to find ways to make your number recognizable or to leave compelling voicemails that encourage callbacks.

Time Wasted on Voicemail

Researching every single prospect can be incredibly time-consuming, especially when most calls go straight to voicemail.

SDRs can't afford to spend hours gathering detailed information on 95 prospects just to leave messages that might never be heard.

This inefficiency is a significant barrier in cold calling.

The time spent on research could be better used for actual conversations with interested prospects.

To address this, focusing on quality over quantity is crucial.

Prioritise high-potential leads and streamline your research process to ensure that the time spent is worthwhile.

Using tools that automate part of the research can also help make this process more efficient.

This leads us to the next major challenge: why it's impractical to research everyone.

Why You Can't Research Everyone

Let's face it, researching every single prospect is just not practical.

As an SDR, you only have so many hours in a day, and spending all of them digging up info on each lead means you'll barely make any calls.

Imagine this: you spend hours finding out everything about Prospect A, only to have your call go straight to voicemail.

Frustrating, right? And it doesn’t stop there.

Even if you do reach someone, the time you spent on research doesn’t guarantee they’ll be interested.

Instead of turning into a detective for every lead, it's smarter to prioritize.

Focus on high-potential prospects and let automation tools handle some of the heavy lifting.

This way, you can spend more time talking to people and less time chasing dead ends.

Remember, it’s all about balance.

You want to know enough to have a meaningful conversation but not so much that you never actually get to have it.

Prioritise wisely, and you’ll find yourself having more productive calls without burning out on endless research.

Because you can't research everyone, we end up pitching using a templated cold calling script.

Unfortunately, this often causes prospects to tune out.

Scripted Cold Calling Pitches Disconnect

When you resort to using a cold calling script template for your pitches, the prospect usually switches off.

Here's why:

Imagine answering a call and hearing something like this:

"Hi, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We offer solutions that can help your business improve efficiency and reduce costs. Would you like to hear more?"
"Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Company]. Our product [Product Name] has helped companies like yours save time and increase productivity. When would be a good time to discuss how we can help you?"

These scripted pitches can sound robotic and impersonal.

Prospects can easily tell when they're being read a script, which makes them feel like just another number on a call list rather than a valued potential customer.

This lack of personalisation often leads to disengagement.

For example, a common cold call script might go:

"Hello [Prospect’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We provide [Solution] to help companies like yours with [Pain Point]. Can we set up a time to discuss how we can assist you?"

While this sample sales cold call script covers all the basics, it lacks the personal touch that can make a prospect feel special and understood.

The problem with these generic sales calls and scripts is that they don't foster a real connection or show genuine interest in the prospect's unique situation.

Effective cold calling needs a mix of structure and personalisation.

Completely templated cold call scripts often miss this balance.

Prospects can quickly tell when a sales call is scripted, making them feel like just another number rather than a valued potential customer.

Scripted pitches often fail because they don't address the specific needs or circumstances of the prospect.

They come across as one-size-fits-all solutions, which can make prospects feel undervalued and less likely to engage.

Also, reading verbatim from a script can sound insincere and robotic.

This lack of natural flow and authenticity can make the prospect feel talked at rather than talked to, leading to quick disengagement.

To keep prospects engaged, it's crucial to move beyond rigid cold call scripts.

Personalised, conversational approaches are key.

Doing some homework to understand the prospect's unique situation and tailoring your pitch accordingly can make a significant difference.

This shift towards customisation helps build genuine connections and makes your conversations more meaningful and engaging for the prospect.

What Your Cold Calling Pitches Should Look Like

Creating an effective sales cold call pitch is like preparing for a friendly chat. You want to know who you’re talking to and what they care about.

Dive into their company, their sales team, their customers, and their pain points.

Think of it like getting to know a new friend—you wouldn’t start by talking about yourself, right?

Instead, learn about what’s important to them.

Preparation and Personalisation

Understand the Prospect:

Before making the first call, gather as much information as possible.

Tools like can automate this research, integrating with platforms like Salesloft and Outreach to provide valuable insights.

Look at their website, their customers, and understand their pain points. Knowing these details will help you tailor your approach.

First Impressions:

Begin with a personalised opening line.

Instead of a generic "This is a cold call," use something that shows you've done your homework.

For example:

"Hi [Prospect’s Name], I noticed your company has been growing rapidly. How are you handling [specific pain point]?"

Custom Approaches

Personalisation is Key:

Tailoring your pitch to each prospect is crucial.

Using AI tools to generate custom opening lines and build rapport is a game-changer.

Once you have the prospect's attention, dive into specific pain points and how your solution can address them.

For instance:

"I know [Company X] is growing quickly and facing [specific challenge]. We can help streamline your processes and reduce the noise."

Engaging the Prospect:

Start by asking if they have a moment to talk.

For example:

"Hi [Prospect], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company name]. Do you have a minute to discuss how we can help with [specific pain point]?"

Open-Ended Questions:

Engage the prospect by asking questions that prompt them to talk about their needs and challenges. This makes the conversation feel more natural and less like a sales pitch.

For example:

"Can you tell me more about how you’re currently managing [specific task]?"

Sample Custom Cold Call Scripts

Example 1: Personalised Intro and Value Proposition

Hi [Prospect’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I noticed on LinkedIn that your company has been expanding rapidly. How are you managing [specific challenge] with this growth?

(Prospect responds)

We specialise in helping companies like yours streamline their [specific process]. For instance, we helped [similar company] reduce costs by 30% and improve efficiency. Would you be interested in a quick demo to see how it can work for you?

Example 2: Handling Objections

Hi [Prospect’s Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I understand you’re busy, but I wanted to quickly share how we helped [similar company name] solve [specific pain point]. Can I have just 30 seconds?

(Prospect agrees)

Great! Our solution helped [similar company] increase efficiency by 30%. Would you be open to a short demo to see how it could benefit your team?

Example 3: Referred by a Colleague

Hi [Prospect’s Name], my name is [Your Name] at [Your Company]. Our mutual colleague, [Colleague’s Name], suggested I reach out because they’ve seen great results with our product. [Colleague’s Company] managed to achieve [specific result] using our solution.

I’d love to show you how we can do the same for you. Do you have 20 minutes available next week?

Why These Cold Calling Scripts Work

These custom cold call sales scripts really shine because they’re laser-focused on the prospect’s unique situation and show you’ve done your homework.

Here’s why they work so well:

Personalisation: Each cold call script begins with a tailored introduction that shows you’ve done your homework. This immediately sets you apart from the generic pitches that prospects are used to hearing.

Relevance: By addressing specific pain points and challenges that the prospect faces, you make your pitch highly relevant to them. This increases the chances of them being interested in what you have to say.

Credibility: Mentioning a mutual colleague or a similar company that has seen success with your product adds credibility to your sales pitch. This helps build trust and makes the prospect more likely to listen.

Efficiency: These best cold call scripts are concise and get to the point quickly. Prospects appreciate when you respect their time and provide value without unnecessary fluff.

Engagement: Asking open-ended questions and encouraging the prospect to share more about their needs helps build a connection and keeps the conversation flowing naturally.

By integrating these strategies and cold call scripts, you can create pitches that are engaging and tailored to each prospect, increasing the chances of a successful sales call further.

Focusing on personalisation, asking insightful questions, and genuinely addressing the prospect’s pain points will help you foster meaningful connections and drive conversions.

Call to Action

You get one shot to make a lasting impression, and helps ensure you hit the mark.

Cold calling is tough, but makes it easier. Our platform provides detailed insights about your prospect’s company, their customers, and their pain points—all in one place.

This means you’re always prepared and never caught off guard.

Picture this: walking into every call knowing exactly who you’re talking to, what challenges they face, and how you can help.

No more guessing or generic cold call scripts. automates the research and sales process, integrating seamlessly with tools like Salesloft, Outreach and Apollo.

This allows you to focus on building genuine connections and closing deals.

Don’t waste your shot.

Discover how our platform can optimise your approach, increase conversions, and make every conversation count.

Make your one shot matter.

Book your demo today and see for yourself!

Bonus: Download these 10 Personalised Cold Call Script Templates (by HubSpot)

Ezzedine Cherif

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